
Reflections on a Window


I sat up next to that window

drowning in my sorrow

wondering, where did you go?

I remember those days

When you were by my side always

In our garden we would play

An unforgettable yesterday

With the sky light blue

I would look for you

And under the branches you would be

Of that beautiful banyan tree

And your reflection I would see

In that window of memories.


Would you ever come back to me?

I wonder sitting under that very tree

Now mine’s the only reflection I see

You said you wanted to be free

But why have you left me alone too?

Why didn’t you take me with you?


I remember that time 

When you used to be mine

The universe has tricked me again

For I have lost you my dear

And I still sit by that window

Praying that you would appear

Your reflection in that window

Makes me wish that I could see you tomorrow. 

Arundhati B

Class X E