Our Principal

Message From the Principal

Warm Greetings!

In this globally evolving landscape of education, it is utmost important to integrate practical life skills into the existing education frame work. It is recognized that knowledge alone is insufficient to ensure one’s future happiness, security and career achievements. In order to equip with the necessary tools for a future-ready education and success, three crucial elements are required apart from many other additional elements. They are communication, consistency and collaboration.

Effective communication lays the foundation for trust, while unwavering consistency fosters commitment. Furthermore, collaboration nurtures a sense of community. By instilling these skills in our children, we are molding them to face life’s challenges with openness and readiness for what lies ahead.

We believe in developing a nurturing environment that bridges the gap between strict discipline and student engagement. Our children grow into an all-rounded individuals after experiencing situations that help them develop communication skills and critical thinking. By prioritizing life skills along with academics, we create a dynamic learning environment for our children. Through sincere efforts in embracing these principles, Viswajyothians will develop the ability to shoulder responsibility, seek innovative solutions, and contribute to holistic progress.

Wishing each and every one of you the very best on this exciting journey.

Mrs.  Reena Rajesh
Mrs.  Shaly Jose 

Vice Principal

Over my 28 years at Viswajyothi, I have found deep fulfillment in teaching, viewing it as my vocation. I cherish the facilities, camaraderie, and the growth of our students into confident individuals. I am proud of the alumni’s success and grateful for having contributed to nurturing their talents in line with the school’s vision and mission.