Dress Code

Day-wise Uniform

Students are required to wear the school uniform daily. The school emphasizes the use of ready-made uniforms featuring the school emblem to maintain uniformity in color and design across all students. This ensures a neat and consistent appearance among the students.

School Uniforms
I to IV Light Grey, Dark Grey - Single piece frock (knee length frock), Grey socks & Black shoes Light Grey Shirts, Dark Grey Shorts, Grey socks & Black shoes
V & VI Light Grey Shirts, Dark Grey Skirts (knee length + 2 inch), Grey socks & Black shoes Light Grey Shirts, Dark Grey Pants, Grey socks & Black shoes
VII to IX & XI Light Grey Shirts, Dark Grey Pants, Overcoat, Grey socks & Black shoes Light Grey Shirts, Dark Grey Pants, Grey socks & Black shoes
X & XII Green uniform, Green socks & Black shoes Green uniform, Green socks & Black shoes
I to IV Dark Blue Skirts & House T Shirts, Blue socks & Black shoes Dark Blue Shorts & House T Shirts, Blue socks & Black shoes
V & VI Dark Blue Skirts & House T Shirts, Blue socks & Black shoes Dark Blue Pants & House T Shirts, Blue socks & Black shoes
VII to XII Pilot Blue Half Sleeved Shirt and Blue-Black Executive Pants. Black Half Shoes, School Socks & School Belt. Pilot Blue Half-Sleeved Shirt and Blue-Black Executive Pants. Black Shoes with Lace, School Socks & School Belt

Class 1-5 Uniform

Wednesday exclusive uniform