About Us

Our Guiding Light

We bow before St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, our patron, whose pivotal role in establishing the Carmelite of Mary Immaculate (CMI) religious congregation aimed at fostering spiritual renewal and holistic societal development. His contributions span across education, literature, charity, and spirituality, earning him veneration and respect. St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara’s legacy continues to inspire and guide us towards excellence in every endeavor.
“Just as without eyes one cannot see the material things of the world, so also without knowledge it will be impossible for us to see or understand the reality of this world and the eternity where God dwells in.”

St Kuriakose Elias Chavara

Vision and Values Statement

Vision – To provide our students with a world-class holistic education that promotes curricular and co-curricular brilliance, to transform them into intellectually and spiritually accomplished persons so that they perceive the world in a different light to change for the better.

Mission – To empower our students to excel in the present age of information explosion, to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for success, and to persevere in the ongoing journey of learning throughout their lives to become competent, competitive, and productive.


Our Motto
Teach, Inspire, Transform

Core Values

Trust in God
Love and Concern
Self-confidence and Self-esteem

Quality Policy – Our guiding principle is to inspire the students to accept the core values of love for God and man; to be morally responsible, socially committed, and personally enlightened to create their own reality; to motivate them to envisage state-of-the-art techniques to face the mounting global challenges; and thus, render service to humanity in return for occupying the space on earth.

CMI Vision & Mission of Education –

To form leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, psychologically integrated, physically healthy, and socially acceptable, who will champion justice, love, truth, and peace and who are open to further growth.

The CMI congregation, from its beginning in 1831, found education to be one of the principal avenues of their apostolate and considered an educational institution a second home, closely collaborating with families and students.